Police May Never Know What Caused Deadly Car Wreck
Troopers with the Louisiana State Police are usually able to ascertain the mechanics of an accident. However, understanding the factors that led to a crash may not always be readily apparent — especially if the driver believed to be responsible for the car wreck died as a result. Those answers may not always be needed in order to complete the investigation, but they can be important to the peace of mind of victims and their families.
The Louisiana State Police may never know what caused a woman to veer into the oncoming lane of traffic on Oct. 28 around 7 a.m. When troopers arrived at the scene on U.S. Highway 80, they discovered that two vehicles had collided. Their investigation determined that the woman was heading east when her car somehow wound up in the westbound lane.
The driver of the other vehicle did not have time to avoid the impending collision. Fortunately, she only suffered moderate injuries in comparison to the woman driving the eastbound car. That driver suffered fatal injuries in the impact despite the fact that she was wearing a seat belt. A blood sample was taken from the deceased woman to determine if alcohol or drugs may have been a contributor to the crash. Those results were not yet available at the time of this writing.
Even though the victim in this car wreck might like to know what caused the woman’s vehicle to move into her lane, it is not necessary in order to prove that the deceased driver’s negligent actions caused her injuries. She may still file a personal injury claim seeking restitution for the damages incurred because of the crash. A successfully litigated claim against the woman’s estate could help the 21-year-old victim defray the financial burdens caused in the aftermath of this accident.