Man Killed, 3 Injured in Car Wreck in Louisiana
The Louisiana State Police believes that alcohol played a factor in the death of one man and the injury of three children recently. The man driving the vehicle at the time of the car wreck sustained injuries as well. So far, no charges have been filed in connection with the crash, but police say they are pending.
The driver was driving on La. 39 when for an as yet unknown reason he left the road. The vehicle went into a ditch, flipped and slammed into the side of a house. In the car with the driver was the front seat passenger who was thrown from the car during the accident. In the backseat were three young children.
The driver and the three children all sustained moderate injuries and were taken to the hospital to be treated for their injuries. The current condition of these four is unknown. The front seat passenger was pronounced dead at the scene. Police are awaiting the results of a toxicology test taken as part of the investigation. It is presumed that the Louisiana State Police are awaiting the results of this test before deciding what charges should be filed against the driver, if any.
As the investigation continues, the family of the front seat passenger and the families of the children may have a long road of healing ahead of them. Hopefully, the children will not be permanently injured as a result of the accident. However, there is no guarantee. The families may be facing further medical care in the future. Under Louisiana law, the family of the deceased man has the right to file a wrongful death claim and the family or families of the children have the right to file personal injury claims in connection with this car wreck to receive some financial relief for the unexpected expenses they are incurring.