Whereabouts of Driver in Hit-and-Run Car Wreck Still Unknown
By simply walking anywhere near asphalt, a pedestrian is put into danger. Regardless of how diligent a pedestrian is as he or she attempts to keep out of harm’s way, accidents will happen. If a pedestrian vs. car wreck does occur, the driver is bound by Louisiana law to remain at the scene. Unfortunately, some people decide to drive away and leave the victims to fend for themselves, which can sometimes lead to the death of a pedestrian.
Recently, a pedestrian was struck on Louisiana’s Ole Highway 15. The driver did not stay at the scene, and police are searching for the vehicle and its driver. The vehicle is an extended cab pickup truck believed to be manufactured around the year 2000 by General Motors. The color of the vehicle is believed to be either gold or tan.
It may also be missing the mirror on the passenger side of the vehicle, as a mirror was found at the scene. The pickup would also have sustained damage to its front quarter panel on the passenger’s side. A handicap placard was seen in the rear view mirror of the vehicle and it has a handicap license plate. The driver may be around the age of 65 with white hair and a white beard.
The extent of the injuries suffered by the pedestrian were not reported. Depending on how badly the pedestrian was hurt in this car wreck, he or she may take a significant amount of time to recover — if a full recovery is even possible. Injuries do not have to be life-threatening to cause serious and permanent damage to an individual. Medical expenses and lost wages can quickly become a burden. Filing a personal injury claim against the driver once he is found could help alleviate that burden, if the pedestrian prevails in proving negligence on the part of the driver.