Road Construction Crews at Risk of Suffering a Workplace Injury
All Louisiana construction workers face dangers at work every day. However, road construction crews have the added hazard of speeding vehicles that pass close to them continuously. This puts each of them at the risk of suffering a workplace injury caused by a third party who failed to slow down and pay attention in the construction zone.
Many road construction projects are done after dark in order to take advantage of lesser traffic. The dangers are evident enough during the daylight hours, but when crews work at night, the risk of injury increases exponentially. Even with the use of lights, reflective vests and other safety measures, it can be difficult to see workers — especially at a high rate of speed.
Two recent accidents on Louisiana 30 prompted the Louisiana State Police to remind drivers that reduced speeds in construction zones are not there to inconvenience them, but instead, they are necessary in order to help protect the people who work in the area. In one accident, a hit-and-run driver seriously injured a man. Authorities were still searching for the vehicle and its driver at last report. The second accident involved a head-on collision that killed a worker.
The injured worker and the family of a deceased worker may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits as a result of a workplace injury. However, it may also be possible to file third-party claims against the drivers responsible for the accidents in which these men were involved. Successfully litigated claims could result in an award of damages if the negligence of the party or parties deemed responsible is established to the satisfaction of the court.